Monday, October 6, 2008

Analisis Permintaan Bahan Pangan Hewani: Pendekatan Error Correction Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System

Paper ini saya buat sebagai latihan untuk model ekonometri yang baru yaitu Pendekatan Error Correction Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System. Pendekatan ini tidak sekedar error correction model biasa, namun menggunakan berbagai restriksi yang sesuai dengan model Almost Ideal Demand System. Paper ini juga dimuat di Jurnal Media Ekonomi, Usakti 2005


Animal based food demand had a tendency to decrease sharply in 1999-2002, while the aggregate food demand always increased. This research, used Error correction-Linear Approximation-Almost Ideal Demand System, aimed to estimate animal based food demand behavior in Indonesia. Annually data from 1970 to 2002 was used in this research. The expenditure variable was identified as an exogenous variable; consequently The Seemingly Uncorrelated Regression was used. Research result showed that the demand behavior didn’t have the habit effect. Short and Long Run Marshallian price elasticity had a negative sign, but the long run price elasticity was more elastic than the short run. Short run cross-price elasticity showed a negative sign that indicated beef, chicken and fish were complementary goods. In the short and long run, beef, chicken and fish were normal goods. Such was this case of Hicksian elasticity that showed the negativity restriction was satisfied.

Key Words: Animal based food demand, EC-LA/AIDS, Seemingly Uncorrelated Regression


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